a look at the music of Vangelis Papathanassiou |
Movements aims to provide more information on the life and work of Vangelis Papathanassiou. Apart from a comprehensive list of many known musical creations of this Greek composer, this site gives detailed information about the more rare and hard to find music, including reviews and a workography. More information will be added through the year as soon as it becomes available, so be sure to return for updates regularly! The name "Movements" can be linked to Vangelis through albums such as "Soil Festivities", "Mask", "El Greco" and "Mythodea", where the song titles have been conveniently named Movement, and then numbered. The reason for this practice is simple: without specific song titles Vangelis allows the listeners create their own images along with the music. At the same time, Movements refers to all the different musical creations of Vangelis... Credits Thanks to